Re-Entry Resources
These are resources to help your student prepare for the challenges of re-entry upon returning home. Most of them are designed for a Christian student returning home (especially a student who has become a believer in the US). There is also one resource written for staff to help them prepare internationals for returning home (in the other resources section below).
ISI Resources
- New Horizons: Adjusting to Life Back Home (2008). 142 pages. Especially for a returning student who has become a believer in the US. Includes a CD with Bible study resources. Order Book or PDF.
- Returning to China: Keys to Successful Re-Entry (2012). 132 pages. Especially for a returning Chinese student who has become a believer in the US. Available in PDF. Order HERE.
- Returning to China: Keys to Successful Re-Entry (2012). For any students (not necessarily believers). Available in PDF. Order HERE.
Other Resources
- Returning Home to China (China Outreach Ministries). A 19-page workbook for believers returning to China. Includes a section on discerning God's will regarding whether to return or stay in the US. Click HERE for a free PDF.
- Think Home: A Re-Entry Guide for Christian International Students (InterVarsity, 2014) by Lisa Espinelli Chinn. Available at InterVarsity store / Think Home.
- Back Home: devotional guides for those who have recently returned home (InterVarsity, 2017) by Lisa Epinelli Chinn. Available at InterVarsity store / Back Home or free PDF at Back Home PDF
- Preparing for your Re-Entry Transition: Lessons from Asian Returnees (InterVarsity). Includes tips from international students who have already returned to China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, etc. Free PDF at Lessons from Asian Returnees PDF.
- 10 Rules of Re-Engagement (InterVarsity, 2008), a small booklet you can make by printing, folding, and cutting. This is something simple and concise you can give to a returning student. Free PDF at 10 Rules of Re-engagement PDF.
- Home Again: Preparing International Students to Serve Christ in Their Home Countries (Navigators, 2005) by Nate Mirza. This book is written for ministry staff to help them as they prepare Christian students to return home and make an impact. 2000 Edition available on Amazon at Home Again.